Friday 31 March - Thursday 13 April
Did you know that the University of Amsterdam houses the largest collection of petunia genotypes in the world? The research on plant biology and genetics carried out in the greenhouses of Science Park has the potential to change our daily lives in myriad ways: from plant-based milk and meat production to vaccines and human genetic studies. In a joint collaborative effort, the faculties of the Humanities and Natural Sciences present CROSS-POLLINATIONS, a digital heritage project encompassing both an online platform as well as a physical exhibition at VOX-POP. What is our connection to plant life? And how do we archive a collection of living, breathing and blossoming plants?
The exhibition 'CROSS-POLLINATIONS: Art and the Petunia Collection' is accompanied by an extensive public programme, including panel talks, a lecture series, guided tours, botanical drawing workshops and more. The programme further explores the richness of the University of Amsterdam’s scientific research on flowers and plants, from a variety of perspectives – artistic, historical, cultural and scientific. All events are free of charge and open to the public.
CROSS-POLLINATIONS is curated by our new members Marta Pagliuca Pelacani and Richard Weaver of STUDIO IMAGINALIS.